• roast dinners (roast beef with potatoes and other vegetables)
  • cottage pie (it is made with beef mince and with a crust made from mashed potatoes; the name "cottage" has been used from 1791 when potatoes were being introduced in the country as an edible crop affordable by the poor who used to live in cottages)
  • bangers and mash (made of mashed potatoes and sausages; the term "banger", which means a loud explosive firework, is attributed to the fact that during the Second World War the sausage was made with water so it exploded easily under high heat, if it was not cooked carefully)
  • cumberland sausage (it's a form of sausage, sold in one piece which is the shape of a flat spiral, originated in the county of Cumberland.)
  • yorkshire pudding (it's a dish, originated in Yorkshire, made from batter and served with roast beef and gravy)
  • fish and chips (it's probably the most popular take-away food in GB and it originated in the country in 1858 or 1863, it became a stock meal for working classes because of the rapid development of trawl fishing and, at the same time, the development of the railway connecting ports to cities. Also C. Dickens mentions a "fried fish warehouse" in Oliver Twist in 1838)
  • bubble and squeak ( a dish made with shallow-fried vegetables left over from a roast dinner; vegetables are especially potatoes and cabbage, but you can use also carrots, peas, brussels sprouts. The name is onomatopoeic, in fact "bubble and squeak" are the sounds made as it cooks.)
  • black pudding (a type of sausage made by cooking blood. The dish is not only British, but also American and Asian)
  • toad in the hole (sausages cooked in Yorkshire pudding batter, served with vegetables and onion gravy. The origin of the name is uncertain)
  • gammon steak with pineapple and egg (it's a piece of meat served with a pineapple ring, egg and chips)
  • bacon roly-poly (bacon rolled in a suet pastry)pie and mash with parlsey liquor (minced beef and cold water pastry
  • pie and mashed potatoes. It's a traditional London working class food.)...and now some desserts:
  • apple pie
  • spotted
  • apple crumble
  • bread and butter pudding